

陈涓成长的地方——鄂西南“歌舞之乡”Juan Chen grew up - in Hubei Southwest dance village

发布时间:[2013/5/29]  所属栏目:[陈言陈语]  点击:[3376]

      【鄂西南】为今湖北宜昌与恩施两地区。全区山峦重叠,峡谷纵横,地势险要,语言很统一,属西南官话区,与川东方言无异。鄂西土家族苗族自治州,素有“歌舞之乡”的美称,鄂西南古老的民歌,世代相传,绚丽多彩,具有独特的民族风格和地方特色。音调“窄羽”声韵[LA  DO RE]的旋律为典型样式。鄂西南民歌代表作品有:《龙船调》、《黄四姐》、《六口茶》、《山路十八弯》、《直尕思得》等……



       [In Hubei Southwest] Is now southwestern Hubei Yichang and Enshi two regions. Region overlapping mountains, canyons aspect, difficult terrain, the language is very uniform, is In Hubei Southwest Mandarin area, and eastern Sichuan dialect is no different. Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, known as the "dance of the town" reputation, southwestern Hubei ancient folk songs, from generation to generation, colorful, has a unique national style and local characteristics. Tone "narrow plume" rhyme [LA DO RE] melody typical style. Representative works In Hubei Southwestfolk songs are: "Dragon Boat Melody", "yellow Sister", "six tea", "Rugged Mountain Path," "Best in straight Ga" and so on ......

        Chen Juan from the age of three will live here grow, growth in the Yangtze River, in the mountains and rivers, lush plants, plant variety of Hubei Southwest, she listened to the skipper of the chant grew up watching the white sails of the river grow , for her singing inject sufficient nutrients. Song of the King, the song she sang in the situation came to light in front of her mouth to sing songs from can infect not only herself, but also infected with all listeners hear her songs. Chen Juan has been very hour stand before you sang, we can bring joy she felt she was very happy that she can have today is we have been encouraged by the results, see Chen Juan each song to listen to her eyes flashing with friends surprise light, they brought her endless efforts singing power.

       Juan Chen hopes to continue to bring good songs, hoping her songs can be sung to the farther ......


