

我是男声 我是女生——楚天都市报I am a male I am a girl - Chutian Metropolis Daily

发布时间:[2013/5/29]  所属栏目:[陈言陈语]  点击:[3767]

      (楚天都市报副刊讯 本报记者 徐颖 摄影记者 尚炜)


      出镜人物 陈涓,从央视《星光大道》走出来的土家妹子。一人用男声和女声对唱,演绎土家儿女




























      (Chutian Metropolis Daily Supplements News newspaper reporter Xu Ying Shang Wei 
CCTV "Avenue of Stars" show classic folk song "six tea" when "Bi guy Lord" drink
Hubei tea.

       Chen Juan photographed figures from the CCTV "Avenue of Stars" come out of the Tujia
sister. A person with a male and female duet, interpretation Tujia childrenSituation.

       Tujia sister, grew up singing and listening to the mountain

       23, 2009, hosted by the newspaper "in the name of song large concert triangle" in
Hongshan Stadium singing, a wonderful singer debut concert, soHey audience are up - "Drink
your tea ah ask you one word, that your father and mother (thiophene) at home, not at home?
" This is a guy in TujiaQuestioning, loud coarse ore male, mellow flavor. "Do you drink tea
on the tea that came to this country many words, that my father and mother (thiophene) has
eighty-eight."This is in answer to the Tujia sister, mildly crisp female voice, fresh
Curiously, from start to finish, are only one actor on stage to sing. When they
get to
male part, singers side is exposed to the audienceBoys - yellow underwear green turban,
face, sonorous gesture; When they get to the part of the female, one side is exposed
to the audienceGirls - Pink underwear silver headdress, graceful movements, sweet smile.

       In comparison, the singer's male than female superior. Is it a boy playing a girl,
Yugang second?

       When we arrived backstage dressing room curiously and asked which is singing "six tea"
actor, a petite, facial handsome woman carrying Began to send us a silvery laughter. She is
Chen Juan. "So petite handsome, how to sing so deep male voice?"
       Juan Chen said she grew up from childhood in Yichang, is authentic Tujia sister. 
"Learning to sing male voice, it is because my dad!"

       Originally, Chen Juan's father was a Hong Kong and Taiwan when young music enthusiasts,
the monthly
wages blow, the first thing is to go to the outer instrument YichangStore to buy
two boxes of genuine tape, four kings is his favorite, Juan Chen also dragged nose male song to
with my dad, when those hit television Drama theme song she will sing, "on the beach",
desire", "Asian Treasures" and so on, she likes. "At that time, my mother in childhood music

Garden work, there is a forest park, every time I accompanied her to work, on the front of the
patch of
forest singing, as if every tree is one of my Audience; work, I work in a factory,
every 20 minutes to take the ferry, the roar of the motor, I can also cynical Sing ...... sing,
and put
his voice to sing, and sing male voice than men still vigorous. Sometimes, I open my
to sing, the next person scaredHop. "
       Juan Chen said that one year, Yichang City, organized by the International Tourism 
,Tourism Festival is an area light show, my mother begged managers: "Let me Daughter
sing a song here, a wish to meet her. "I never thought, Chen Juan openings sing the first
time the popular Singapore drama theme song "Renzailvtu", attracted onlookers layers, later
replaced by
the organizers begged her to sing a song a day pulled popularity.

       But Chen Juan's father is not happy, worried about her daughter: "A baby girl, what to
male voice, it is not strange to engage you?" Mom touches Very open-minded and see what
singing contest, to encourage her daughter to attend.
       December 1995, Chen Juan with a "Four Seasons trackers tune" duet, issued by the National
Ministry of Culture Fifth Stars Award show two Award. 2005 to participate in CCTV "Avenue of
, she was an instant sensation.
