

陈涓被载入湖北宜昌《文艺志》Juan Chen Yichang in Hubei Province has been included in the

发布时间:[2009/5/11]  所属栏目:[陈言陈语]  点击:[3148]
    陈娟(艺名陈涓) 女,湖北宜昌人。中国音乐家协会会员,湖北省曲艺家协会会员。曾任宜昌市伍家区文联副主席、宜昌市文联组联部副主任。
    毕业于中央文化干部管理学院艺术系、北京大学艺术系研究生文化经纪人专业。1995年12月 演唱男声女声对唱作品《纤夫四季调》获文化部颁发的全国第五届群星奖表演二等奖,2005年4月参加中央电视台《星光大道》过五关斩六将,一举荣获周冠军、月冠军,并登上年冠军争夺舞台,使全国观众了解陈娟男声女声的表演方式。2006年5月做客全国最红娱乐栏目湖南卫视《快乐大本营》表演绝活22分钟。2006年1月荣获第十二届全国青年歌手大赛湖北赛区民族民间唱法一等奖。MTV作品《打糍粑》、《纤夫四季调》、《土家花背篓》、《逼上梁山》分别在在广西卫视和湖北电视台播出。受邀登上中央电视台《新视听》、《欢乐中国行》、《曲苑杂坛》、《小崔说事》、《与你相约》、《乡约》、《星光大道》、《中国文艺》、《元旦双语晚会》、《元宵晚会》、《激情广场》、《乡村大世界》等重大娱乐栏目达30余次。
Chen (Chen Juan stage name) women, people of Yichang in Hubei Province.. Members of the Chinese Musicians Association, Hubei曲艺家协会members. Ng served as the District of Yichang City, the text of Joint Vice-Chairman, Department of Yichang Federation of literary and art circles, deputy director of Alliance Group.
Cultural cadres graduated from the Central Fine Arts Department of the School of Management, Peking University graduate student in cultural arts professional brokers. December 1995 Male Female duet concert piece "The Four Seasons boat tracker Melody" by the Ministry of Culture awarded the National Award for the fifth performance the Stars second-class award in April 2005 China Central Television to participate in "Avenue of Stars" go through five passes slay six, in one fell swoop Zhou won the champion title on and boarded a stage in the championship, so that the audience understand the National Male Female Chen's performances. Visit in May 2006 the country's red, Hunan Satellite TV entertainment program "Happy Camp" 22 minutes performing skills. Awarded in January 2006 Twelfth National Youth Competition Hubei singer singing folk first place. MTV works of "糍粑", "boat tracker seasonal tune," "flower basket carried on the back Tujia", "driven to revolt" in the Guangxi and Hubei TV broadcast. Invited to board the China Central Television, "a new audio-visual", "Happy China" and "Qu Yuan Tan miscellaneous", "小崔that matter," "meet you", "Heung", "Avenue of Stars", "Chinese Literature and Art "" New Year's Day bilingual show, "" Spring Evening, "" Passion Square "," World Village "and other major entertainment more than 30 columns.
