

说起陈涓 Speaking Of Chen Juan

发布时间:[2008/12/12]  所属栏目:[陈言陈语]  点击:[3214]

       Speaking of Chen Juan, in your mind what kind of response is singing? What songs work best exemplifies her performance style? She is a blockbuster CCTV-3 "Avenue of Stars" go in the fierce competition, or in Hunan Satellite TV Surely shine with greater splendor of "Happy's Party" will perform? Satellite TV or in those of Taiwan's humorous male soprano performing? Of course, I believe that as long as she was seen performances together listening audience of her singing will not forget her unique voice - sometimes as powerful river, trickling streams such as from time to time ... ... male and female convert people to change fast Incredible. For me, the most representative of Chen-style is a minority Juan humorous folk duet one person, non-singing songs in the traditional sense, in retrospect I am most impressed by the "Huang Si Jie", "6 Tea" and "Zhidou" Every time she heard the song are very happy, the feeling of shock from the real heart out.
       There is no doubt that Chen Juan is a unique singing style singer, which made her the best in the performing arts circle. Chen Juan voice to an alarming ability to grasp, unlike other singers are blind pursuit of the perfect voice, Chen Juan, said: "Although I only female voice to sing well to listen, but parents have given me such a unique voice, not to show up It is most regrettable. The world to promote the good image of the female singer-abundance, I simply do not care whether or not a more, but at the same time to promote the good image of the male and female singers, in particular, can easily convert the singer simply too scarce, the less I , We will be less likely to enjoy a concert of the songs the way! "Although Chen Juan grasp of the songs and performance are in place already, but she continued to practice sound scientific methods, control of folk style and perfect stage performance skills She hopes her performances more natural, beautiful, do not live up to the Chinese Musicians Association title, to use facts to prove that she is a rare singer.

