

陈涓——青年文艺使者 Chen Juan - Youth Arts envoy

发布时间:[2008/10/7]  所属栏目:[陈言陈语]  点击:[3350]


      Chen Juan is a vibrant, life-loving singer, is the text of the joint system of outstanding young talent. Her to carry forward the national culture, and spiritual awareness, building a harmonious socialist society for the purpose of the broad unity, and artists all over the contact, exchange of literature and art. In compliance with the relevant state policies, laws and regulations often under the premise of civilization to participate in healthy, and vigorous public performance, and perform a variety of occasions to promote his hometown to promote joint text.
       Chen Juan growth and leadership at all levels, all levels of government and the community care and support can not be separated from the years Juan Chen to participate in different sizes to perform more than 1,000 games, the program brings together the contents of the minority classics, songs ( With national, popular, rock, the voice of the United States, and all kinds of unique style of opera singing) and so on a variety of different forms of performance, all activities and experts to win the audience's recognition and praise good.
      "National Art is art in the world." Chen Juan Tujia songs footprints all over the country performing small cities at home and abroad have been a number of well-known singers, artists and the support and encouragement.
       Over the years, Chen Juan has been working on many occasions to participate in a national publication of the individual performances and concert album, and become the central Invited guests all over the TV. In the international exchange of culture and art, she completed a variety of excellent performance, the spread of Chinese culture, by the friends of praise.
       As a still young and enterprising talents, Juan Chen will also continue to be modest and prudent study, in order to promote prosperity and development of the concert to make a positive contribution to the cause.
